The Turkish Army had entered in Syrian Territory. According to Turkish government, rockets were fired from Syrian side caused causalities. Syrian government has issued official warning and said any violation from Turkey will be responded. Now what is outcome but we got two allies Syria, Russia and Iran while the other hand Turkey, US, FSA. The Syrian war was very complicated before, we got IS fighting among Al-Qaeda and Nusra front with IS and other groups. lets see Syrian war in below list.

A group: USA, Turkey, Saudi Arabi (GCC), FSA, Rebels,
B group: Syria, Iran, Russia, Hezbullah and Shia Militia
C Group: AlQaeda (New name IS) plus other wanted groups
D Group: Nusra Front (friendly with Turkey and other Muslim countries)

All these three groups are strong competitors in this war. US and Russian military never fight face to face in Syria war but they provide military assistance and weapons to their allies. remember that both US and Russian forces operating on Syrian grounds. Physically their forces are present in Syria. Turkey at the other hand support and assistance rebel force Free Syrian Army but hasn't combating on the ground until now. Just yesterday they jumped into Syrian war. Syrian army backed by Iran has strong presence in the region and got attraction from Syrian Public because of similar shia Believes. IS was first operating only in Iraq and after Alzawahiri has announced Caliph for IS in video speech. He demanded from all groups related to AlQaeda to be united with IS in creating Caliphate. later on Nusra front separted from AlQaeda and very strong fight among IS and Nusra front in Syria has made operations easy for other allies..


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