
Showing posts from January, 2018

Padmavati Movie Protest, Why Hindus protest and some History facts

Padmavati or padmini a wife of Hindu king Ratan Sen kingdom Chittor. Padmavati was a beautiful princess and neighbors around her husband kingdom were well aware about it. 11 century arrival Turkic-Afghan in Delhi sultanate has lead khilji dynasty rule. they covered lots of area under their kingdom. Alauddin khilji was king of khilji dynasty and a ruler who controls his kind till 13 century. Impress from her beauty Alauddin khilji wants to marry her but she along with other women attempted suicide. Padmavati is being the center of mostly bollywood historical romance. Padmavati movie was supposed to release in december 2017 and based on actual story there were some sexual scene between Padmavati princess and Al din khilji which Rajput consider as insult to historian Hindu princess Padmavati even though these shots were in dream. RSS extremists has already issued warning against this movie and protested in many areas burning civilians cars and school buses. Hindus consider

Taliban attack on Kabul’s Intercontinental Hotel leaves at least 20 dead

on 21 Jan 18 Taliban attack on Hotel. according to eye witness, attackers were wearing dashing cloths when inter hotel. they order food in restaurant area and after finishing eating. they start shooting on caterers.  Afghan soldiers standing in front of Kabul Intercontinental hotel  then attackers look for foreigners and those speak Afghan were not killed. according to sources 3 Taliban carried out attack. People fleeing from attack using bed sheet to go down   back to back attack from IS in Afghanistan was deeply concern, but recently Taliban has carried out soft targets just like IS do. usually IS target those places were more causalities can be achieved with less resources and law/order situation can be disturbed. Taliban for the first time used soft targets. Taliban gathering before attack
The Turkish Army had entered in Syrian Territory. According to Turkish government, rockets were fired from Syrian side caused causalities. Syrian government has issued official warning and said any violation from Turkey will be responded. Now what is outcome but we got two allies Syria, Russia and Iran while the other hand Turkey, US, FSA. The Syrian war was very complicated before, we got IS fighting among Al-Qaeda and Nusra front with IS and other groups. lets see Syrian war in below list. A group: USA, Turkey, Saudi Arabi (GCC), FSA, Rebels, B group: Syria, Iran, Russia, Hezbullah and Shia Militia C Group: AlQaeda (New name IS) plus other wanted groups D Group: Nusra Front (friendly with Turkey and other Muslim countries) All these three groups are strong competitors in this war. US and Russian military never fight face to face in Syria war but they provide military assistance and weapons to their allies. remember that both US and Russian forces oper

Funny Pathan in Dubai very funny conversation with Local man


INDIAN government has stopped paying subsidies to Muslims pilgrims but not Hindus

'The BJP government who is practically a Hindu think thank party on Tuesday announced that they will stop paying subsidy to Muslims pilgrims going Saudi Arabia for Hajj. Indian Muslims who are currently facing lots of internal issues and targeted by Hindu communities. India is home to 15% Muslims which is approximately 270 millions populations. The government is paying subsidies to both Muslims and Hindu citizens performing Hajj. But recently a debate was going on and at last the subsidy was stopped for Muslims only. further it was not told that why they stopped this but lets analyze how much Indian government earning from Muslims. A typical Indian Muslim pay 220,000 Indian rupees to perform Hajj, 80% of which is paid for ticket and other official tax. The Indian government has restricted Muslims under the law and they can only travel in Air India. Comparing Air India charges, an INDIAN citizen pay less to travel Los Angles but more to go for Hajj to Saudi Arabia. N

Landslides Drowned California USA like World War III
